-the water in the cats' dish evaporates really quickly
-there's a draft when you open the kitchen cupboard doors
-there's something about the claw-foot tub that makes the cats freak out (they frolic in there - big eyes, fluffy tails, running back & forth - as much as possible, anyways!)
-the butter, although unrefrigerated, is always unspreadable
-you need to coach most of the clerks at the Home Depot and elsewhere through at least part of the check-out
-there are 10 M&M Meat Stores but only one Home Hardware
-remember the Katrina Effert case in Westaskiwin? She was accused, and subsequently convicted, of murdering her baby. While still in Ontario, I was called for jury duty (my dad told them that if they'd pay my way out here, I'd be happy to serve on the jury. I was excused....).
-Mount Royal College in Calgary is establishing the Ralph Klein Chair in Media Studies, after receiving anonymous donations to the tune of $2.5 million...Ralph will be the first "prof." (Additional comments censored).