Today, we officially got into Skype - as it's our niece Madelyn's birthday! - so we talked to - and SAW! - the Pengs a couple of times and were able to meet the new rabbit online (our Skype name: mikandkato). How Jetsons of us! Thanks to our friend Terry in Slovenia, we've been injesting as much of the new Battlestar Galactica as we can on the laptop. We also managed to chat to our friend Sherida in Switzerland, so all in all our techno/sci-fi headspace is a tad surreal. I'm sure the plummeting temperatures have something to do with that.
And now, for the Alberta Rant: Guess how much Albertans spend PER CAPITA on gambling annually? $6,900, boys and girls. Guess who spends the most per capita on liquor in North America? Except for, maybe, Texas. Alberta. Young friends Sally & Deane from Kitchener (we didn't know them before) moved here the same time as we did. Deane, who's a thespian, was driving home from his job at at dinner theatre at West Edmonton Mall and was hit by a drunk driver. Fortunately, he swerved and escaped injury himself, but their car was totalled. The guy driving the jeep said that he was a single father of two, he'd "had a few with his buddies after work and he really needed to keep the cops out of it"....! The police were called, but alas, too busy to show up for a couple of hours, during which time Buddy in the Jeep sobered up with his heater on while Deane stood outside his smashed-up car leaking oil in the freezing cold.
The number one cause of death on the oil patch is driving. I don't know how many of those are alcohol-related, but there's an alarming lack of outrage over drunk driving here - just seems to "go with the territory."
The upside: Mike had a whole entourage attend his first "production," a condensed version of Sam Shephard's "The God of Hell." Great feedback all around. He's trying to remember how to write papers now (and, perhaps, questioning if he ever actually mastered that skill). We can walk to everything: the Oodle Noodle house, really (as in, REALLY) great coffee in any direction, the bank, Planet Organic food store, which is reminiscent of The Big Carrot in Toronto but it's all under one roof! And, as of tomorrow - unless a meeting that I have today at 4:15pm goes surprisingly, out-of-the-ballpark well - I will have gainful employment at the University of Alberta in Development. Finding "appropriate" work has been an unexpected challenge; on Thursday, three excellent opportunities materialized and one was offered to me. The meeting this afternoon is at Economic Development so I'll hear them out but will likely go with the U of A (I need to make a decision by tomorrow) - great pay & benefits (which is what we need right now) and I can walk. Alleluia.
Frederick Buechner's take on jobs: "If people are in it only for the money, the money is all they gain, and when they finally retire, they may ask themselves if it was worth giving most of their lives for. If they're doing it for its own sake - if they enjoy doing it and the world needs it done - it may very possibly help them to gain their own souls."
Here's hoping!
1 comment:
Yeah on the job and on skype. love the Alberta tirades. the grass isn't greener even if you don't have sales tax. I love Ontario.
We miss you but continue to be thrilled at what you are both doing.
love, Mom East
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